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Easy Ways to Relax

Jul 20, 2017 | News, Uncategorized

coolRelaxAt Alpenglow, we like to think the experience is a wonderfully relaxing one. Even the most serene setting requires some degree of effort from the person trying to relax, and these tips may just help with that.

Concentrate on your breathing. Have you ever noticed how yoga involves certain movements along with controlling your breathing? Take a moment to inhale and exhale five deep breaths, drawing your attention to that natural momentary pause between inhalation and exhalation. It’s almost like telling your body it’s time to take a load off.

Loosen up the jaw. Believe it or not, the jaw can become tense from stress and everyday factors. To loosen it up, open your mouth wide and make sure to breathe naturally through your nose. Once you feel you’ve done a sufficient amount of jaw stretching, gently close your mouth again.

Take a nap. When you’re feeling stressed, a nap can help to ease the mind and give you some energy for the rest of the day. What you want to do is ensure your nap is no more than twenty minutes. If you don’t time it properly, you’ll fall into a deep sleep and wake up feeling tired.

This update is provided by Alpenglow vacation rentals located in Ouray, Colorado and presented by Twin Peaks Lodge and Hot Springs. We provide unique Ouray Colorado condos and townhouses located near some of the best restaurants, shops, and activities in the city. Call 866.739.4917 or 970.919.0380 for more information on Ouray vacation rentals or to make your reservation.

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